New Year Writing Update

Mar 28, 2019    #documentation   #notes   #Writing  

I started this year rebooting my blog and it seemed like a good time to check in on how things are going. As a reminder, here is what I planned on shooting for:

  1. Write something at least once a week
  2. Focus on experiences, techniques, and strategies for becoming a better leader
  3. Communicate what worked and what failed
  4. Engage in the larger conversation online

I’ve managed to maintain an average of writing once per week, although it has been somewhat sporadic. I’m chalking that up to life, which has been busier than normal, but also really awesome.

On the content front (#2), I’m less pleased. I’d like to dive a little deeper and think more about the topics, but that pesky life has been restricting that practice. This is definitely an area that needs improvement.

Since I specifically avoid writing about writing, my communication (#3) was intended to follow up on anything I might be trying that worked well or failed. I clearly haven’t done this, but at the same time, I also don’t know that I’ve seen the full results yet. Generally, the theme has been to focus on communication and that seems to be helpful. So there you go!

My last goal was to engage in the larger conversation online. I’ll admit I’m failing here. My intent was to try to promote these articles a bit by submitting them to sites like Reddit, but I haven’t had the energy for it. Moving forward, I might try to find one or two stories that feel more fleshed out and do a little promotion. I have made an effort to add a photo at the top thanks to the Unsplash integration with Ghost . It is really easy, so we’re not talking about a lot of effort, but it is something. I’ve also tried to make sure posts have some decent meta tags. Again, I could do better here, but I’m pretty happy that I’ve stuck with it at all.

So there we go. Overall, I’ll say a B-. I’ve got some areas to improve that I’ll actually try to work on. Wish me luck!